Restore from a local backup
If you want to use a local backup, you'll need to transfer the files to the new phone using a computer, file explorer or SD Card.
- Your phone will store up to the last seven days worth of local backup files.
- Local backups will be automatically created every day at 2:00 AM and saved as a file in your phone.
- If your data isn't stored in the /sdcard/WhatsApp/ folder, you might see "internal storage" or "main storage" folders.
Restore a less recent local backup
If you want to restore a local backup that isn't the most recent one, you'll need to do the following:
- Download a file manager app.
- In the file manager app, navigate to sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases. If your data isn't stored on the SD card, you might see "internal storage" or "main storage" instead of sdcard.
- Rename the backup file you want to restore from msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt12 to msgstore.db.crypt12. It's possible that an earlier backup might be on an earlier protocol, such as crypt9 or crypt10. Don't change the number of the crypt extension.
- Uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp.
- Tap RESTORE when prompted.
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